Our Services

Professional feedback for every stage of your writing.

At Tomeworks, we have a deep understanding of the writing process. We’re authors as well as editors, so we know that sometimes you need professional feedback before you’re ready for actual editing. That’s why we offer assistance for every stage of the writing process, from early draft to final polish.

Not sure what you need?

We love helping authors figure out what kind of editorial feedback will best serve their needs. Contact us to schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation to discuss your manuscript with one of our editors!

Package Rates

Most manuscripts need more than one editing pass to get that final, publishing-ready shine. When you book us for two or more services at the same time, you’ll get 20% off the total price!

Professional Critique

If your manuscript isn’t quite ready for an editor yet, but you’re still looking for professional feedback on plot, characters, worldbuilding, and style, one of our critique services might be right for you!

  • Meet with one of our professional editors to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a submitted writing sample (up to 7,500 words). We will provide editorial feedback, answer questions, and offer solutions.

    $0.05 per word

    Learn more HERE!

  • Receive expert editorial feedback on your novel. We will provide insight into the most pressing issues in your fiction manuscript.

    $0.02 per word

    Learn more HERE!

  • Want to know what your audience thinks when they read your book? Looking for expert feedback on plot, characters, and style? One of our professional editors will provide you with detailed reactions and impressions.

    $0.015 per word

    Learn more HERE!

Premium Editing

Our in-depth editing will take your book to the next level. From broad-level developmental editing to sentence- and word-level copy editing, we will give your manuscript the editorial treatment it deserves!

  • Do you need guidance on your book to bring your story to the next level? With a developmental edit, our professional editors will help you resolve issues with structure, characterization, worldbuilding, and themes.

    $0.035 per word

    Learn more HERE!

  • Ensure that the writing in your manuscript is clear, consistent, and correct, while maintaining your unique authorial voice. With a line edit, our editors will fine tune your word choice, dialogue, and style.

    $0.03 per word

    Learn more HERE!

  • A copy edit is the final polish your book needs in order to shine in front of literary agents, publishing house editors, and readers. Our professional editors will examine your manuscript for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage.

    Starts at $0.02 per word

    Learn more HERE!

Querying & Workshops

Are you putting together a query packet to send to agents or looking to level up your writing craft? We offer the professional query advice you need to attract agent attention and in-depth writing workshops!

  • Ready to submit your novel to book agents or an open-submission call from a publisher? Your manuscript’s query packet needs to captivate an agent or editor and leave them begging for more. With a query packet review, our editors can evaluate your query letter, first-ten-page sample, or synopsis for substance, style, and allure.

    Starting at $50

    Learn more HERE!

  • Learn from the best. The Tomeworks editors are adept at educating new and experienced authors on topics as varied as publishing best practices to honing craft to marketing as an indie author. Hire us for your next writing group meeting or industry conference.

    Starting at $150

    Learn more HERE!