Tomeworks Blog

Write a Romance that will Sweep Readers off their Feet
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Write a Romance that will Sweep Readers off their Feet

Romance adds a touch of spice to any work of fiction. But creating a sizzling romance while keeping the characters and relationship realistic can be a challenge for even the most seasoned authors. Whether you’re writing a genre romance with the couple at the center of the story, or you’re only including romance as a subplot, there’s plenty you can learn from this article about creating undeniable chemistry that your readers will love.

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How to Write POV Like a Pro
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

How to Write POV Like a Pro

Point of view (POV) is an extremely important element of any story. It is a story’s frame of reference, the lens through which the story is told, the bridge that connects readers to the story and characters. Unfortunately, this means there are many potential point-of-view pitfalls that can leave readers less than invested in your story. In this article, we’ll discuss some of these common pitfalls (and how to avoid them), but first, we need to look at the (many) different points of view that authors can use.

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Writing Fiction in 2025
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Writing Fiction in 2025

The modern writer faces a host of promising opportunities and daunting challenges in the New Year. This century has proven to be full of upheaval, with war (or the threat of war) across the globe, jobs disappearing, political polarization, and housing being a perpetual problem for over a decade. In the midst of all this, writers have persevered, weathering the rise of self-publishing, the collapse of journalism, diminishing creative education, and new technologies. From continuing trends to emerging problems, here are ten things that will affect emerging and seasoned writers in 2025.

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We Don’t Use AI (and You Shouldn’t Either)
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

We Don’t Use AI (and You Shouldn’t Either)

AI tools are everywhere. “Create your book cover using Midjourney!”, “Ask ChatGPT to analyze your story structure!”, “Write your first draft using Scribblr!”. Writers are bombarded with opportunities to cut corners in the creative process. I’m here to tell you: Don’t. Do. It.

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Monstrous Origins
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Monstrous Origins

Happy Halloween! Everyone’s favorite time of year! Creepy crawlies and ghastly ghoulies abound! Today we thought it’d be fun to explore the origins and various legends surrounding some of our favorite classic monsters.

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New and Upcoming Book Releases from Houston Authors!
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

New and Upcoming Book Releases from Houston Authors!

This year has been incredible for Houston authors, with new releases in fiction and poetry that are inspired, diverse, and heartfelt. I spoke with booksellers are three of Houston’s best indie bookstores, Kindred Stories, Basket Books, and Brazos Bookstore to compile this list of new book releases from Houston authors.

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Elevating Your Worldbuilding
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Elevating Your Worldbuilding

Anchoring readers in an unfamiliar world can be a tricky prospect. Too much exposition and you bog the story down, too little and your readers won’t have enough information to understand what’s going on. So how can you ensure your worldbuilding is effective and properly balanced with your plot?

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You’re Not Stephen King, And That’s A-Okay
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

You’re Not Stephen King, And That’s A-Okay

Presumably, you want your manuscript to be published, either traditionally or in the self-publishing marketplace. And you do that because you want it to be read and enjoyed by others. So, it makes perfect sense why you would want to align yourself with one of the genre greats. However, because Stephen King is so legendary in the horror genre, and because his career has spanned fifty years, he’s uniquely unsuitable as a model for your career path.

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How to Respond to Critique (Even When It’s Bad)
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

How to Respond to Critique (Even When It’s Bad)

Critiques aren’t always what we hope they will be. As an author, you can do everything right: vet your critique partners, provide them with a list of questions to help guide their feedback, even tell them specifically what parts of your story you want them to focus on. Hopefully, doing all of this will lead to actionable feedback and thoughtful critique. Sometimes, though, you just don’t get the type of feedback you need. So, what do you do when that happens?

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How to Write Compelling Combat
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

How to Write Compelling Combat

Fight scenes are sometimes thought of as a spice to throw on a story, something to dash on top like salt and pepper to make sure your dish has enough flavor. But in this thoroughly overcooked metaphor, this humble chef suggests that this is the wrong way to approach fight scenes in your stories. Your fight scenes shouldn’t be treated like the final little garnish—they should support the dish, be baked into it as a well thought out part of the structure!

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The Power of Words: Why Word Choice Matters
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

The Power of Words: Why Word Choice Matters

A writer’s job is to place one word after another, telling a story, evoking emotions, painting a picture in the minds of readers. How to do that is an elusive skill. It comes down to the very building block of writing: the word. The right word, expertly placed, is worth a paragraph of exposition. So how do you choose the right word?

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Fun with the Chicago Manual of Style
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Fun with the Chicago Manual of Style

One of the fun things we like to do here at Tomeworks is go through the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) Q&A to determine how their updates impact our editing world. Here are some of our favorites from late 2023. We hope these help you get your writing right the first time around.

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Happy Public Domain Day!
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Happy Public Domain Day!

Happy new year! Or should I say, “Happy Public Domain Day!” because when the ball dropped at midnight, a seasonal miracle happened: thousands of copyrighted works from 1928 entered the public domain.

So here are a few of the Tomeworks editor picks!

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10 Houston Authors We Love
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

10 Houston Authors We Love

Whether you know it as Space City, Clutch City, or Screwston, there’s a lot overlooked about the largest city in Texas. From the 215 languages spoken in the metro area to its storied history as a meeting place of cultures, Houston is a vibrant and diverse city well known for food, culture, and big business. From the towering Phillip Johnson skyscrapers of downtown through lush green Oak-lined neighborhoods to strip centers of concrete stretching for miles and sprawling exurbs reaching across the Katy Prairie, Houston has a plethora of real and imagined worlds teeming within. Here are ten of our favorite writers who have called H-Town home, whether Houston-born, Houston-bound, or just passing through.

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Creative Writing after AI
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Creative Writing after AI

For all the hype and promise of Artificial Intelligence, the road ahead for robot-written fiction will be a long and winding path. Silicon Valley has a stronger tradition of producing vaporware than paradigm-shifting tech and as the vaunted AI revolution takes hold, will it be a new internet or a new NFT? And why so much panic in the creative industries?

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Crafting Characters
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Crafting Characters

All the genre conventions in the world don’t matter if your readers don’t enjoy following the people you, the author, have chosen to follow. Your well thought out magic system or steamy romantic affair are like the toppings on a pizza – without the base, the dough, the characters to support those trappings, it doesn’t mean much!

But how do you craft a compelling character?

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How Hot Should You Write Your Romance?
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

How Hot Should You Write Your Romance?

How much sex should be in a romance novel? The short answer is that it depends. Readers and authors all have their own preferences. From longing glances and chaste hand holding to the most explicit, bed-breaking scenes and everything in between, how do you readers know what they’re getting into? And how do authors make sure that they don’t mislead their audience and shock readers with something spicier than what they wanted?

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Mother’s Day Gifts for the Writer Mom in your Life
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Mother’s Day Gifts for the Writer Mom in your Life

Our Tomeworks editors love their moms, friggin love them. Having a kid and trying to write, ooh boy, is that a struggle. Your favorite writer mom needs some validation and support. Just trust me. Even if she's tough as nails and doing it all without complaint, let her know you see her and appreciate what a badass she is.

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Get the Most from Your Beta Readers
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

Get the Most from Your Beta Readers

As a writer, you’ve likely heard about beta readers and how they’re an important tool for writers to determine how future readers might react to their work. But what exactly is a beta reader’s purpose? Are some beta readers better than others? And what can you, as the author, do to maximize the utility of beta readers for your own writing?

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It Takes a Village to Write a Book
Daphne Strasert Daphne Strasert

It Takes a Village to Write a Book

Today we live in a world of Zoom calls and binge-watched television shows, of isolation in the big city and blocking people on social media. But we are no closer as writers to being an island than our forebears ever were. We need each other as a community, as partners in creative construction, and as reviewers and feedback-givers maybe now more than ever.

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