About Us

We want to help you build better books!

We are a team of professionals experienced in critiquing and perfecting manuscripts in science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, and other fiction genres. Our passion for storytelling and varied backgrounds give us unique perspectives on providing editorial feedback. You can learn more about each of us below!

The Tomeworks Team

Anna is a being from a parallel universe that is similar to our own. Very similar. In fact, we aren’t sure what the differences are yet.

Anna Hawkins

Daphne loves monsters and things that go bump in the night. She also enjoys romance. Those things are 100% related.

Daphne Strasert

Ian is the secret identity of a well known superhero. You know the one. When not saving the world, he enjoys long walks on the beach.

Ian Everett

Sean is interested in everything all of the time. We aren’t sure when he sleeps, but we suspect that’s not something his species does.

Sean Morrissey Carroll

Shannon eats bullets for breakfast and barbed wire for dinner. One time, she bit a zombie and it turned back into a human.

Shannon Winton


This company is worth every penny. I have never felt more prepared for the next draft based on the feedback provided. I was worried about the advice being hurtful or blunt based on experiences I’ve had with beta readers before, not anything the company has done prior. But when I got my feedback it was gentle and coaching, not putting me down. I was so eternally grateful that I decided to invest in Tomeworks Editing. Thank you!!!
— Anne W.
An all around amazing editing service for all levels of writers. Doesn’t matter if your new or a veteran to the craft, they will help you reach your goals and ensure your writing project is of high quality. All the workers here are very professional and make sure to respond quickly to all your needs and questions. On top of all this the service is very fairly priced for the service your getting from these experienced writers. I highly recommend this editing company to really bring your writing projects to the next level, they did a great job editing and critiquing my novel.
— Vincent M.
I received an incredibly insightful analysis from professionals who know their stuff! I was pleased with the pricing after receiving my thorough Developmental Edit Report. What I love is the blend of positive and critical—but actionable—feedback. What I extra love is the opportunity to discuss that feedback with the editor and brainstorm through some of the tougher choices. I feel invested in. I haven’t had my feedback consultation, but the written report is worth 5 stars all on its own.
— Sheri M.J.
Fantastic company. Feedback has been valuable and the attention to detail is phenomenal. You can’t go wrong with this group.
— Jennifer B.