Publishing Work
Editing services tailored to your needs.
At Tomeworks, we know that publishing houses have a different set of needs than indie clients. Our editors have a variety of backgrounds working with magazines and presses and have the necessary skills to fulfill your editing needs. In addition to our normal host of services, Tomeworks offers many services tailored specifically for publishers.
Continuity Edits
Maintaining consistent worldbuilding can be a chore across multiple volumes of a series or multiple authors writing in the same universe. But don’t worry! Our editors can work with your authors to create an In-Universe Bible or wiki including timelines, locations, technology, magic systems, and cultures. We can also utilize existing documentation to review books specifically for continuity concerns.
House Style Guides
At Tomeworks, we understand you may also have preferences for spelling and punctuation specific to your press that can be difficult to communicate on a case-by-case basis. We can work with you to develop your own in-house style guide for your editing staff to utilize so all of your editors/contractors have a clear reference for common copy-editing decisions.
Bulk Edits
It can be hard to achieve your editing standards on tight deadlines, especially when performing rapid releases or hitting a big sales day for your genre. The skilled editors at Tomeworks can hit your deadlines on bulk work without sacrificing voice or quality. Our editors will work together to ensure we achieve all important deadlines.
Slush Reading
Tell us what you’re looking for in your slush pile, and we can handle the rest! The Tomeworks editors can provide first- and second-level slush reviews to weed out work that doesn’t fit your vision so you can focus on the strong maybes and yes, totally yesses. We are also adept at spotting AI-generated work and can help you weed it out of your slush pile.
Are you a publisher interesting in working with Tomeworks? Contact us today!