Tomeworks Blog

Writing Fiction in 2025
The modern writer faces a host of promising opportunities and daunting challenges in the New Year. This century has proven to be full of upheaval, with war (or the threat of war) across the globe, jobs disappearing, political polarization, and housing being a perpetual problem for over a decade. In the midst of all this, writers have persevered, weathering the rise of self-publishing, the collapse of journalism, diminishing creative education, and new technologies. From continuing trends to emerging problems, here are ten things that will affect emerging and seasoned writers in 2025.

How long should your novel be?
You’re ready to write a novel, but now that you’re staring at a blank page, you face a new question: how long is a novel, anyway? You’ve read books, so you know what a normal book length is, but how do you make sure that what you’re writing is an acceptable (publishable) length?
The answer is to use word count.